The legendary “overnight sensation” tempter has finally reared his ugly head.  And let me tell you – everything (including the head) was ugly.

It was the kind of thing that you hear about as a Hollywood hopeful.  The young starlet catches the attention of the mighty producer, who promises her the world.  She, in turn, has only to do a few small favors before she reaps the reward of stardom.  The industry is bursting with such stories and they have finally found their way into my Hollywood experience!

Basically, I was promised a 6 Months to Stardom Plan, providing I attended certain social and private events and used my “skills” as woman to propel me to the top.  Coming from a legit producer, with a myriad of professional credits to his name, he certainly COULD be a help to my career.  He had the project and he made an “offer” on the spot, he had the connections for future projects, and wasn’t too far off when he said I was giving him a crazy, sideways glance.

True, this may be the way some stars are born, but not how careers are built.

I passed.