And just like that, I woke up and realized that we’re already a quarter of the way through 2012!  That last few months of 2011, I spent analyzing my actions vs. progress and have shifted focus to become more streamlined.

In the on-camera realm, an updated, yet still diverse look has added to marketability (more updates to follow….NDA’s and the like).  I will be working with some very talented and recognized photographers in the next few weeks and hope to show some wonderful imagery soon!

On the other side of creativity and logistics, pieces are falling into place for my first feature film as a producer.  With a modest mainstream budget, our sights are set high with the talent we hope to attract and are looking forward to some additional information in the not-too-distant future.  Our Big Money, Secret Agent, Helping Hand and the Big S & W have helped this project become an attainable dream.

And in other news, in a month, I will be legitimately certified to teach yoga!  So for all those commercials and TV shows featuring yoga practitioners, I’m your gal!  I do also plan on actually teaching and am looking forward to strengthening myself and others through utkatasana!