Hollywood has been gearing up for one busy weekend! With the Academy Awards scheduled for this coming Sunday, February 24th, many people are stressing out on the last minute details, acceptance speeches and what to wear down the red carpet. For this annual event, the industry comes together to honor outstanding achievements in all areas of filmmaking.

We all have our favorites, but who knows how the Academy will vote?!? There are many speculations and formulas, but when it comes right down to it, you just never know!  If you’re ready for a little game, download this unofficial ballot to make your own predictions and keep track of the winners. Here’s how I think this should go down:

Best Picture – Argo (Silver Linings Playbook could still sneak up and whisk the Oscar away)

Best Director – David O. Russel (You never know with Steven Spielberg in the mix)

Best Actor – Daniel Day Lewis (hands down)

Best Actress – Jennifer Lawrence (a refreshing breath of honesty)

Best Supporting Actor – Christoph Waltz (by far, this is the category with the most wild cards. However, Robert DeNiro seems about due for another statue)

Best Supporting Actress – Anne Hathaway (locked down, throw away the key)

Best Original Screenplay – Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained

Best Adapted Screenplay – David O. Russell, Silver Linings Playbook

Best Animated Film – Wreck-It Ralph (just a hunch. Frankenweenie is also a strong contender)

Best Foreign Feature – Amour (too good to not win)

Best Documentary Feature – Searching for Sugar Man (didn’t see it, but heard ALL about it)

Best Visual Effects – Life of Pi (rise up, Richard Parker)

Best Production Design – Life of Pi (year of the tiger or year of the period drama? That sneaky Les Mis is just around the corner)

Best Cinematography – Skyfall

Best Costume Design – Anna Karenina (every film has its strength. Les Mis may be a not-too-surprising alternate choice)

Best Makeup – Les Mis (sorry Hobbits, kinda over your looks)

Best Documentary Short – Mondays at Racine (yet again, an educated guess)

Best Editing – Argo (this category is the best kept secret to a great film)

Best Original Score – Lincoln (John Williams is an Academy favorite, but Life of Pi has garnered much attention)

Best Original Song – Skyfall (girl has pipes!)

Best Sound Editing – Skyfall (who stands a chance against 007? Life of Pi is closing in)

Best Sound Mixing – Skyfall (certainly deserving, but Les Mis could pull a quick one here)

Best Short Film Live Action – Cerfew (though I still need to see them all to be fair)

Best Short Film Animated – Adam and Dog (Paperman isn’t too far behind in the race, but a bit cliche)

The Academy Awards will be aired live on ABC. Red carpet arrivals begin at 4pm and the ceremony is set to begin at 5:30pm PT on Sunday, February 24.

What are your predictions?