Casey Dacanay

Mommin' & More

Category : Dance

TV Review: Jesus Christ Superstar Live, In Concert

**Warning, this post may include spoilers** When NBC announced back in 2013 that they were going to bring back the live holiday specials, I was overjoyed! Musical theatre will always have a special place in my heart and I watched with childhood glee as it was broadcast into my home. Minus a few technical difficulties…

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You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown

We are in the final push for ACT’s You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, performing THIS WEEK in Colorado Springs, CO.  We spent yesterday spacing the dance numbers and have one cast’s final dress rehearsal this evening.  I am so very proud to have been part of the ACT family for the past two years and…

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Lucky ’13

If you didn’t already know (and why would you, really) 13 is my lucky number. Could have something to do with me being born on the 13th and that the number keeps popping up in random places all the time! Being that we are now in 2013, it only bodes well. This lucky year began…

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Happy Holidays

Whenever the mood strikes, it hits me hard.  Today, I pooled together my crafty and baking skills to make some end of the year gifts for my dedicated yoga and ballet students at Zooga Yoga.  Today’s project: cinnamon salt dough ornaments with inspirational words stamped into them.  After they bake, they will be strung onto…

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It’s officially official!  I will be heading back to Colorado Springs in January, 2013 to choreograph Academy of Children’s Theatre’s mainstage production of “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.”  Audition info is now available on the company’s website, along with videos to learn the dance steps and sheet music.  See you in three weeks! Based…

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The 400-Mile Commute

Officially, it’s been just over 8 weeks since I made the transition back down to the Los Angeles market! I’m hooked up with a commercial agency and they’ve gotten me into some good auditions for just having returned to LA. Right now, I’m being billed as the “young, quirky Catherine Zeta-Jones” type in the 20-25…

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Corrupting Youth

  Dramatic Arts Society’s one-act festival All That Glitters is not Gold closes this week at Pacific Union College. I helped out a bit with the piece, Executive Dance (pictured above) and have been choreographing with the company for the past few years. Come out for a fun night of theatre! May 27,28,30,31 (Wed, Thurs,…

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