Casey Dacanay

Mommin' & More

Tag : dance

Lucky ’13

If you didn’t already know (and why would you, really) 13 is my lucky number. Could have something to do with me being born on the 13th and that the number keeps popping up in random places all the time! Being that we are now in 2013, it only bodes well. This lucky year began…

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Corrupting Youth

  Dramatic Arts Society’s one-act festival All That Glitters is not Gold closes this week at Pacific Union College. I helped out a bit with the piece, Executive Dance (pictured above) and have been choreographing with the company for the past few years. Come out for a fun night of theatre! May 27,28,30,31 (Wed, Thurs,…

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Springtime Saga

(photo by Ian Sagabaen for Compare Networks) Spring was good to me! In the midst of an elephantine series of auditions, I was able to book a few jobs and am just now beginning to see the finished projects. As more become available, I will definitely share them with you! Also, I had the pleasure…

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