Casey Dacanay

Mommin' & More

Tag : movies

A Park-Inspired Disney+ Watch Guide

Whether you are missing the parks, have to reschedule a visit or are in need of a Disney film history lesson, Disney+ has you covered! They have made it easy for you to enter the gates of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy and explore the films that inspired Disneyland and help keep the spirit of adventure…

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NDA stands for Non-Disclosure Agreement.  I’ve signed one.  I will be excited to tell you more when I can, but I may never be able to share.  I’ll let you know when I know.  Maybe…

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The Case of the Nanny-Nappers

Call it my own gullibility or agree with me that there is something in the water causing speedy and advanced development in the youth of today.  This is my story of survival for two nanny-nappings within a two week period.  Perhaps it was my own fault.  When I was asked how late I could stay,…

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